Workshop on Large-Scale Data Analysis

The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) invites you to a

Workshop on large-scale data analysis
10:30 AM – 04:30 PM; Friday February 18, 2011, Radisson Blu Hotel, Lucerne

The workshop is aimed at researchers who are facing challenges in data analytics and are looking for an adequate facility in Switzerland to analyze their data efficiently.


Many researchers are faced with massive volumes of data through experiments, observations and simulations in many applications such as material sciences, medicine, genomics, high-energy physics, climate research and astrophysics. Data analysis applications may differ significantly from the current HPC workloads in that the data structures are often irregular without the high degree of spatial and temporal locality seen in physics-based simulations using regular matrices.

CSCS will start in the next months a new project called “EUREKA” aimed to offer dedicated to large-scale data analysis services. The proposed analysis facility will be used for large-scale analysis of unstructured data and data mining. It is purpose-built for parallel applications that are dynamically changing, require random access to shared memory and typically do not run well on conventional systems and will offer a low latency, high bandwidth and large capacity parallel file system


10:00 Registration and Coffee

10:30 Welcome and Introduction (Dominik Ulmer, CSCS)

11:00 An overview of the General Parallel Filesystem (Thomas Schoenemeyer, CSCS)

11:30 Data-related challenges in climate research (Isabelle Bey, Center for Climate Systems Modeling, ETH Zurich)

12:00 Data challenges in brain research (Fritjof Helmchen, Brain Research Institute
University of Zurich)


13:30 Cray XMT2 Architecture (Shoaib Mufti, Cray)

14:45 Coffee Break

15:00 SGI Altix UV for data-intensive applications (Rüdiger Wolff, SGI)

15:30 User Access Model (Maria Grazia Giuffreda, CSCS)

16:00 Discussion

16:30 End


Radisson Blu Hotel

Lakefront Center, Inseliquai 12, 6005 Lucerne, Switzerland

Tel: +41 41 369 90 00, Fax: +41 41 369 90 01