Workshop on IT Security and Threats – Register now
IT security is an important topic also for HPC. We would like to invite you to participate (free of charge) to a Topic Forum of the Swiss IT Intelligence Community (sitic) that will meet on March 15th at ETH Zurich.
Thursday 15 March 2012, 13:30 – 18:00, hosted by ETH Zurich
Setting the scope
The IT world is highly dynamic. Frequent OS and software releases with tons of new lines of code for every version, new services, cloud computing, ubiquitous and mobile computing are only some of the aspects adding complexity and security challenges to our IT infrastructure every day.
The vicious world is not sleeping neither. Malware, BOTs, criminal attacks, data theft and manipulation attempts are constantly evolving and getting more and more sophisticated.
What are the security problems, threats, and the challenges we are and we will be faced to with our IT
Key Questions
- How do we proactively manage IT security and threats?
- How do organizations react to security incidents and problems?
- How do organizations identify IT threats and security challenges?
- How do organizations identify the security risks and mitigate them (i.e. risk management process)?
- How much does IT security costs?
- Which security threats are introduced by new IT paradigms like virtualization, cloud computing, and mobile computing?
- What are the most relevant IT threats and security challenges for the next 5 years?
Announced speakers
- Stephen Sheridan, Head of Network Security Group ETH Zurich
- Dr. Serge Droz, Team Leader Security SWITCH
- David Mc Laughlin, Postmaster ETH Zurich
- Michele Mazzucchi, devloper of sshguard and other security tools