Winners of the visualization contest at PASC14
All contributors of PASC14 (talks, posters) have been invited to participate in an award for the best visualization.
An interdisciplinary committee composed of:
- Dr. Andreas Hirstein, NZZ am Sonntag • Ressortleiter Wissen
- Prof. Dr. Peter Arbenz, Professor for Computational Science, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
- John Biddiscobe, Computational Scientist, CSCS
nominated the following three best visualizations (in ranking order):
Visualization of heated coaxial jet flow and its noise radiation, Michael Gloor (ETH Zurich)
High resolution regional weather model, Oliver Fuhrer (MeteoSwiss)
Simulation of earthquake dynamics in the Landers fault system, Alice Gabriel (University of Munchen)
The three scientists have been rewarded with Amazon vouchers (CHF 50.00).
Gallery with all the visualizations participating in the contest »