Video: Getting Ready for Open Doors at CSCS Saturday, October 17
Every three years CSCS is opening his doors to all people interested in supercomputing and computational science. The Open Doors will be on Saturday, October 17 from 10:00 to 16:00.
In addition to a visit to the machine room with Piz Daint, the largest supercomputer in Europe, there will be science exhibits and the following scientific talks (in Italian):
10:30 Prof. Nicola Marzari, EPF Losanna, scienza dei materiali: “Vedere un mondo in un grano di sabbia”
12:00 Prof. Lucio Mayer, Università di Zurigo, astrofisica: “Supercomputers per svelare la natura del nostro Universo: dai pianeti alle galassie fino all’origine dei buchi neri supermassivi”
13:30 Prof. Michele Weber, Università di Berna, fisica delle particelle: “Supercomputer per super esperimenti: il CSCS e la scoperta del bosone Higgs”
15:00 Dr. Richard Walker, EPF Losanna, Human Brain Project: “Blue Brain: Il supercomputer per ricostruire i microcircuiti del cervello”
For additional information please visit the CSCS web pages. There you will also be able to register to a visit of the whole infrastructure.
The motto of the Open Days is “Cervelli che contanto” (with the double meaning “Computing brains” and “Important Brains”). The company Provoca Azione installed a huge banner on the front of CSCS’s building. Have a look to their movie: