Invitation to the Swiss Numerics Day 2019
The Institute of Computational Science at USI Lugano is pleased to invite you to attend the Swiss Numerics Day, to be held on 10 May 2019.
The Swiss Numerics Day is a series of one-day, informal annual meetings and follows the tradition of the “Journées Suisses d’Analyse Numérique”, launched in 1976. The intention is to bring together researchers from science and industry in Switzerland who are active in the fields of:
- scientific computing
- numerical analysis
- high-performance computing
- visualization
- computational statistics
- chemistry, biology, etc.
The program consists of two plenary lectures, selected contributed talks and a poster session.
Invited speakers
Prof. Helmut Harbrecht
University of Basel, Switzerland
Prof. Håvard Rue
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
There is no registration fee. However, in order to assist the Institute of Computational Science in planning this event, all participants are kindly requested to register, even if they are not planning to give a talk or present a poster. Deadline: May 3, 2019. If you intend to give a talk, please register by April 5, 2019.
The registration form and further information can be found on the conference website .
Local organizers
Illia Horenko, Rolf Krause, Michael Multerer, Igor Pivkin, Olaf Schenk, Ernst Wit
Aula Magna
Università della Svizzera italiana
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13
6900 Lugano