Slidecast 3/3 – PRACE Summer School on Code Optimisation for Multi-Core and Intel MIC Architectures – Workshop on MIC
The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre CSCS in Lugano, Switzerland, hosted the PRACE Summer School on Code Optimisation for Multi-Core and Intel MIC Architectures on 21-23 June 2012.
This third post is dedicated to the Workshop on Intel Many Integrated Core.
Introduction to Workshop on Intel Many Integrated Core
by Jim Jeffers (Intel)
Intel MIC Architecture – Intel MIC HW/SW Architecture
by Jim Jeffers (Intel)
Intel MIC Architecture Parallel Programming Tools
by James Reinders (Intel)
Intel MIC Architecture – Getting Started with Intel MIC Coding-Debug
by Michael Klemm (Intel)
Intel MIC Architecture – Memory Usage and Considerations
by Michael Klemm (Intel)
Intel MIC Architecture – Intel MIC User Experiences – Part 1/2
by Tommy Minyard (TACC) and Glenn Brook (NICS)
Intel MIC Architecture – Intel MIC User Experiences – Part 2/2
by Tommy Minyard (TACC) and Glenn Brook (NICS)
Intel MIC Architecture – Intel Math Kernel Library on MIC
by Hans Pabst (Intel)
Intel MIC Architecture – MPI on MIC
by Glenn Brook (NICS) and Hans Pabst (Intel)