Register to HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference 2012
The HPC Advisory Council and the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre will host again the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Conference 2012 in the
Lugano Convention Centre, Lugano, Switzerland,
March 13-15, 2012
The conference will focus on High-Performance Computing education, training (including hands-on) and overview of new developments. The conference will include the following sections per day:
- High Speed Networks
- High Performance and Parallel I/O
- Communication libraries: MPI, SHMEM, PGAS
- GPU computing, CUDA, OpenCL
- Big Data
- Advanced topics / Technologies / development / the road to Exascale
- Hands-on: clustering, network, troubleshooting, tuning, optimizations
It will bring together system managers, researchers, developers, computational scientists, students and industry affiliates for cross-training and to discuss recent HPC developments and future advancements.