PASC24 Program and Last Call for ACM Student Research Competition Posters

Program preview: minisymposia

The PASC24 Organizing Committee is excited to whet your appetite with a preview of topics that will be discussed in the minisymposium sessions throughout the three-day event.

We invite you to check out the list of abstracts published on the conference website.

ACM Student Research Competition: final call for posters (by March 1)

The PASC24 Organizing Committee is pleased to remind you of the upcoming deadline for the ACM Student Research Competition hosted this year for the first time at PASC24. The ACM Student Research Competition offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research before a panel of judges and attendees at well-known ACM-sponsored and co-sponsored conferences. Selected students will benefit from travel financial support offered by SIGHPC. Please note the ACM participation terms for the competition, and the submission deadline on March 1, 2024.

Authors who already responded to the PASC24 call for posters are welcome to submit a contribution also for the ACM Student Research Competition (provided that they meet the ACM participation terms). The two submissions will be treated as independent contributions. The new submission will follow the ACM standard conference terms, and will be evaluated by a separate committee.

The ACM Student Research Competition submission consists of a 2-page extended abstract following the ACM standard conference template. The competition is organized in several phases. The 2-page abstracts will be evaluated, and a maximum of 20 authors will be invited to present a poster at the conference for further assessment. The first round of judging will select the top six posters. Authors will be invited to present the content of their research within the conference program in a 10-minute talk. During the closing ceremony three posters will be recognized based on the final round of ranking.

Poster submissions should be made through the PASC24 online submission portal, and will be reviewed by domain experts from the PASC24 ACM Student Research Competition Program Committee chaired by Jay Lofstead (Sandia National Laboratories, USA).

Please refer to the Guidelines for the ACM Student Research Competition for further information.


  • 01 March 2024: Deadline for posters submissions
  • 26 March 2024: Decision notifications

We look forward to receiving your contribution!

Travel grants for students and early career professionals

We are pleased to remind you that SIGHPC will continue to sponsor four travel grants addressed to undergraduate or graduate students AND four travel grants addressed to early career professionals who meet SIGHPC requirements. In addition to the travel assistance, PASC24 will cover the corresponding registration fees.

Applications close March 31, 2024. Further information on this offering and on the application process:

  • for the student travel grants is available here
  • for the early career travel grants is available here.

Student Volunteer Program

If you are an undergraduate, master, or doctoral student in Computational Science, HPC, or related fields and you enjoy working in a dynamic and enthusiastic team, don’t miss the chance to experience the conference as a volunteer for PASC24. This is also a great chance to develop peer connections!

If you are selected as a volunteer for PASC24 you will receive complimentary conference registration.

Information on how to apply is available here.

We look forward to receiving your application!