PASC22 is Around the Corner: Plenary Sessions, Guidelines for Presentations, Video Teasers, Registration and More!

Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Data Science for Social Equality

We are delighted to announce this year’s Interdisciplinary Dialogue, where Professor Michael Hengartner from the ETH Board will interview Professor Emma Pierson from Cornell University on how data science and machine learning methods are being used to tackle social inequality.

Our society remains profoundly unequal. We will discuss how data science can be used to increase social equality, focusing on applications from areas like women’s health, COVID-19, policing, and pain. We will also discuss, on a more personal level, the path to doing this kind of work.

Additional details are available here >

Public Lecture on Black Hole Imaging

We are delighted to host a Public Lecture by Shep Doeleman (Harvard University). Shep led the team of international researchers who produced the first directly-observed image of a black hole. We will hear how this was accomplished, as well as future directions towards real-time black hole movies.

Additional details are available here >

Guidelines for Presentations

We are excited to host the first PASC Conference in a hybrid format this year. Given the novel format, it is particularly important that all speakers, session chairs and poster presenters read theGuidelines for Presentations thoroughly, well in advance of the conference.

In-person presenters should note that computers will be provided in the rooms, and they are required to use them since the Zoom connection for remote attendance will run on them. You will need to bring your presentation with you on a USB stick.

Minisymposia Teasers

You can start to plan your program ahead of the conference by checking out the video teasers prepared by minisymposia organizers and presenters. Click on the “video message” links under the minisymposium abstracts or view the playlist here >

Registration Deadline Fast Approaching

We would like to remind you that registration for the conference is still open and inform you that the deadline for registering is June 17, 2022. Program contributors are required to register for the event.

Please note that the week prior to the conference start, all registered participants will be sent credentials to log into the platform that we will be using to deliver content to and connect with the remote audience. Look out for an email from with subject line: “PASC22 Conference: Your Login Credentials”. Zoom connection details will be provided from within this platform.

We look forward to welcoming you in person to the picturesque city of Basel (or digitally if you are limited by travel restrictions or personal circumstances) for three days of stimulating technical sessions and networking opportunities. The full program of the conference is available here >

Duty of Care for In-Person Participants

We are pleased to report that we have received more than 300 registrations for in-person attendance, and we look forward to welcoming you in Basel.

Now that the Federal measures and restrictions related to COVID-19 in Switzerland have been lifted,individual responsibility in protecting everyone’s health has become of primary importance. Information on the current regulations in Switzerland with respect to COVID-19 and on the design of the conference for in-person participants is available here >

Unfortunately, as opportunities for gathering in crowds increase across Europe and people feel eager to catch up and recover their social lives, COVID-19 cases are again on the rise. The situation level was downgraded in April in Switzerland as the disease started to normalize, implying that most infected people appeared to suffer less serious consequences of COVID-19 infection. We understand that regulations are not the same all over the world and are aware that some PASC22 attendees will require a negative test to return to their home country.

PASC22 has been designed based on the current regulations in Switzerland and in consideration of the participant’s experience. We encourage all attendees to read the Duty-of-Care page on the conference website. We strongly recommend the wearing of masks during the technical sessions; they will be readily available at the conference.

Travel and Accomodation

A room block for PASC22 attendees is available to support in-person participants in their search for a hotel room in Basel. Information on this opportunity and access to the booking portal is available here >

Baselcard: A personal guest card will be handed to you when you check in. The BaselCard includes free use of public transport, free surfing on the guest WiFi, as well as a 50% discount on admission to several Basel attractions such as museums, Basel Zoo and Theater Basel. It also offers discounts on guided tours through the historic city centre, a boat trip or ferry across the Rhine and much more.

On this page you will also find information on COVID-19 testing locations for those who require a negative test for their return trip.