PASC19 – New Year News

PASC19 New Year News

The PASC19 Organizing Team is pleased to welcome you in the New Year with an announcement of a keynote presentation by Thierry Poinsot from IMFT and CERFACS, and is excited to inform you about the Student Travel Grants and other opportunities for student participation in the conference. Lastly, the Organizing Team would like to remind you of the upcoming submission deadlines for papers, and inform you about an extension of the posters submission deadline.

PASC19 keynote presentation: High Performance Computing for Instabilities in Aerospace Propulsion Systems

Combustion produces more than 80 percent of the world’s energy. This will continue for a long time as the global energy growth remains much larger than what new renewable energies can provide. Our civilization must allow the growth of combustion sources but, at the same time, keep global warming as well as pollution under control. Science has a key role in this scenario: it must optimize combustion systems far beyond the present state of the art. To do this, one promising path is to use High Performance Computation to compute and optimize combustors before they are built. This talk focuses on aerospace propulsion where optimization often leads to the occurrence of instabilities where combustion couples with acoustics, leading to unacceptable oscillations (the most famous example is the Apollo engine which required 1330 full scale tests to reach acceptable oscillation levels). The talk will show how simulation is used to control these problems, in real gas turbine engines and in rocket engines.

About the presenter

Thierry Poinsot is a research director at IMFT CNRS, head of the CFD group at CERFACS, senior research fellow at Stanford University, and consultant for various companies. His group has contributed a significant body of recent research in the field of LES of turbulent combustion in gas turbines. He teaches numerical methods and combustion in many schools and universities worldwide. He has authored more than 200 papers in refereed journals and 250 communications. He is the author of the textbook “Theoretical and numerical combustion” with Dr D. Veynante and is the editor of “Combustion and Flame”. In 2017, he received the Zeldovich Gold medal of the Combustion Institute. He also gave the prestigious Hottel plenary lecture at the last Symposium on Combustion in Seoul (2016).

Opportunities for student participation

We are pleased to announce that the number of student travel grants for participation in the PASC Conference has doubled this year. SIGHPC will offer four travel grants to enable undergraduate or postgraduate students to attend the conference. PASC19 will cover the corresponding registration fees.

Applications are due by February 24, 2019, and further information on the application process is available at:

PASC19 would also like to inform you that submissions for the Student Volunteer Program are now open.

We are looking for enthusiastic students who are interested in helping us with the administration of the event. Selected students will be granted a complimentary registration for the conference.

Further information on this opportunity is available at:

Don’t miss the opportunity to present a contribution at PASC19!

Papers: January 15, 2019 (NO EXTENSIONS!)
Posters: January 13, 2019 > EXTENDED TO: January 27, 2019

Scientific Domains
As in previous years, the technical program of PASC19 is organized around eight scientific domains:

  • Climate and Weather
  • Chemistry and Materials
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
  • Emerging Application Domains (incl. but not limited to social sciences, finance)
  • Engineering (incl. but not limited to CFD, computational mechanics, computational engineering materials, turbulent flow)
  • Life Sciences (incl. but not limited to biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, neuroscience and computational biology)
  • Physics (incl. but not limited to astrophysics, cosmology, plasma modelling, QCD)
  • Solid Earth Dynamics

We would like to remind you that the deadline for papers submissions is rapidly approaching next week, on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. If you submit your paper by this date and your contribution is accepted, the paper can be presented at PASC19 and included in the proceedings of the conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library.

A selection of the highest quality papers may be given the opportunity of a plenary presentation. In selecting papers for plenary presentation, the Papers Committee will place particular weight on impact, interdisciplinarity and interest to a broad audience. Additional opportunities exist for publishing extended papers with the PASC Conference partner journals (ACM TOMS, CPC and JAMES) post conference.


Papers Program Committee

  • Ümit V. Çatalyürek (Georgia Institute of Technology, US)
  • Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware, US)

Domain Experts:

The PASC19 Organizing Team would like to inform you that the submission deadline for poster proposals has been extended to January 27, 2019.

Poster presentations provide an ideal opportunity for the exchange of ideas and expertise within and between the various computational science domains represented at the conference. Poster presenters will be given the possibility to “pitch” their posters to the conference audience in a rapid-fire flash session. Poster submissions should describe topical research related to domain science, applied mathematics, computer science or software engineering. Posters with the most stimulating content will be recognized in an award ceremony on the final day of the conference.


Minisymposia and Posters Program Committee

  • Haohuan Fu (National Supercomputing Center in Wuxi, China)
  • Simon Scheidegger (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Domain Experts:

Further information on the conference and submission possibilities are available at: