PASC19 – Minisymposia Program and Opportunities for Student Participation

The technical program for PASC19 is taking shape and, alongside the keynote sessions, we have now published a list of the 57 minisymposia accepted for the conference. We would also like to remind you that applications are open for the PASC19 Student Volunteer Program. Students selected as volunteers will be granted complimentary registration!

PASC19 Minisymposia

Close to 60 multi-disciplinary and domain-specific minisymposia have been selected for inclusion in this year’s program. We invite you to explore the list of abstracts that is published online to get a taste for the variety of topics that will be discussed at the conference. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain insight from researchers working in different scientific domains – perhaps they are using algorithms, tools, or techniques that could be applied to your own research?

The titles of this year’s minisymposia are as follows:

  • Abstraction, Orchestration and Modelling of Data Movement in Heterogeneous Memory Systems
  • Accelerating High Energy Physics with GPU
  • Adaptive Mesh Refinement in the Era of Platform Heterogeneity, Part I and II
  • Advances in Computational Seismology and Earth Sciences, Part I, II and III
  • Advances in Interdisciplinarity between Ocean, Climate Simulation and Deep Learning
  • Application Scaling and Porting on an FPGA-based Supercomputer in the EuroEXA Project
  • Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation in Chemical Sciences
  • Basic Libraries for Advanced Simulations: BLAS Redux for Extreme Scale Computations, Part I and II
  • BigData4Science: Moving Research in Scientific Fields One Step Forward with Big Data Technologies
  • Breaking the Wall in Computational Astrophysics: Current Bottlenecks and How to Address them towards the Exascale Era
  • Bridging the Software Productivity Gap for Weather and Climate Models, Part I and II
  • Bringing Scientific Applications Written in Fortran to the Exascale Era: How Software Engineering Can Help to Fill the Gap
  • Community Codes in Economics
  • Computational Advances in Macroeconomic Applications: GPUs, Algorithms and Heterogeneous Agent Models
  • Computational Biomedicine
  • Computational Performance Evaluation for Hardware and Software Alternatives to Increase the HPC Efficiency of Earth System Models
  • Cross-Platform Programming Language for High Energy Physics Applications
  • Cutting Edge Machine Learning for High Energy Physics Applications
  • Developments of Climate and Weather Models on Modern Supercomputers
  • The Exabyte Data Challenge
  • Extreme CFD for Engineering Applications
  • High-Performance Computing for Earthquake Simulation, Geohazard Modeling, and Seismic Imaging, Part I and II
  • High-Resolution Weather and Climate Simulations: High-Performance Computing and Science Case
  • HPC Challenges in Kinetic Simulations of Plasmas, Part I: Eulerian Approach; Part II: Particle-Based Approach; Part III: Semi-Lagrangian and other approaches
  • HPUQ: High Performance Uncertainty Quantification – Portable Frameworks for General Applications
  • Identifying Relevant Communities in Immense Networks: Clustering Algorithms that Leverage High-Performance Computing
  • Interoperability of Abstractions, High Level Languages and Intermediate Representations for High Productivity of Weather and Climate Models
  • Large Scale Simulation in Geodynamics
  • Machine Learning Applied to Scientific Modeling
  • Machine Learning for HPC
  • Machine Learning in Weather and Climate
  • Mapping Parallel Scientific Applications onto Complex Architectures Portably and Efficiently
  • Modeling Cloud Physics: Preparing for Exascale
  • Multidimensional Stellar Evolution: Bridging the Modelling and Computational Challenges
  • Numerical Methods and HPC Challenges in Magneto Hydro Dynamics (MHD) Modelling in Plasma Physics
  • On the Use of Exotic Computation Architectures in High Energy Physics Applications
  • The Pangeo Platform for Interactive Data Analysis
  • Parallel High-Dimensional Approximation: Uncertainty Quantification and Machine Learning, Part I and II
  • Programming Models to Enable Scalable Resilience for Extreme Scale Computing Systems
  • Python Frameworks for HPC
  • Resilient Solvers in Exascale Atmospheric Models
  • Scalable Cross-Facility Workflows: Addressing Impedance Mismatches between Facilities
  • Scalable Distributed Deep Learning
  • Scientists’ choice of ‘X’ in MPI+X: Life Sciences, Plasma Physics, Climate & Weather Forecasting, and other HPC Benchmark Suites
  • Towards Sustainable Scientific Software through Better Engineering, Development, Documentation, Publication and Curation
  • The Use of Explainable-AI and Network Models to Analyze Complex Biological Systems, Part I and II
  • Using OpenACC for Fluid Dynamics and Atmospheric Prediction Studies: Stories from Application Developers


PASC19 Student Volunteer Program

If you are an undergraduate, master’s or doctoral student in computational science or HPC and you enjoy working in a dynamic and enthusiastic team, don’t miss the chance to experience the conference as a volunteer for PASC19. If you are selected as a volunteer for PASC19 you will receive complimentary conference registration.

Information on how to apply for this opportunity and some impressions from volunteers who participated in last year’s program are available at:

Further information on the conference is available at: