PASC selects six “Focused and Exploratory projects”
The Swiss Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) has selected six “Focused and Exploratory Projects”. These projects have a more limited scope compared to the previous co-design projects.
Focused and Exploratory projects do address:
- The solution of specific challenge, which represents a bottleneck for the performance of existing or future codes (focused projects).
- The set-up of the “background” for future larger co-design projects in emerging domains of computational applications.
The selected projects are:
- A highly efficient implementation of direct GPU to GPU communication in a library for direct exchange calculations (Stefan Goedecker).
- Snowball sampling and conditional estimation for exponential random graph models for large networks in high performance computing (Rolf Krause, Alessandro Lomi, Garry Robins, Alex Stivala, Alberto Caimo).
- MD3/HPC Molecular Dynamics-based Drug Design on HPC (Amedeo Caflisch, Peter Kunszt).
- CODEWAVE: A programming language framework for seismic waveform modeling on heterogeneous massively parallel computers (Felix Friedrich, Andreas Fichtner, Alexey Gokhberg, Bradford L. Chamberlain, Peter Messmer).
- Towards the HPC-inference of causality networks from multiscale economical data (Illia Horenko, Patrick Gagliardini, William Sawyer).
A description of each project can be found under PROJECTS.