hpc-ch Booth at ISC: Many Thanks to all the Team and See you at ISC12
There were a lot of visitors at the hpc-ch booth at ISC11. Their feedback was always very positive. We were able to demonstrate that Switzerland is a very active country in the field of HPC. The booth is the result of a great teamwork. We would like to say thank you to all persons who contributed to this success.
The realisation of the booth has been co-ordinated by Christian Bolliger (University of Zurich, UZH), Vittoria Rezzonico (EPF Lausanne) and Michele De Lorenzi (CSCS). The layout of the poster is of Rosa Guggenheim and the community video displayed at the booth has been produced by Reini Briegel (UZH). Heidi Oggian, Cristina Rezzonico and Franziska Schärli (CSCS) helped in a lot of administrative and coordination tasks.
Many members were present at the booth to introduce the visitors to the HPC activities in Switzerland: Christian Bolliger (UZH), Teo Brasacchio (ETH Zurich), Michele De Lorenzi (CSCS), Pablo Fernandez (CSCS), Alexander Godknecht (UZH), Hussein Harake (CSCS), Colin McMurtrie (CSCS), Robert Speck (Università della Svizzera italiana).
We would like to thank all members organisations of hpc-ch that encouraged us in our work and to CSCS, EPF Lausanne, EMPA, University of Basel, University of Bern, University of Zurich for their monetary sponsoring.
In the next short video Christian Bolliger on the way home summarises his experience and announces the plan to participate to ISC12.