HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop 2011
The HPC Advisory Council and the Swiss Supercomputing Centre will host the HPC Advisory Council Switzerland Workshop 2011 in the Lugano Convention Centre, Lugano, Switzerland, from March 21-23, 2011.
The workshop will focus on High-Performance Computing education, training (including hands-on) and overview of new developments. The workshop will includes the following four sections per day:
- GPU computing (session leaders: Sadaf Alam from the Swiss Supercomputer Center, Gilad Shainer from the HPC Advisory Council)
- High speed storage (session leaders: Hussein Harake from the Swiss Supercomputer Center, Eric Barton from Whamcloud, Onur Celebioglu from Dell and Mike Anderson from StreamScale)
- MPI deep dive (session leaders: Prof. Dhabaleswar K. Panda from Ohio State University and Dr. Pavan Balaji from Argonne National Laboratory)
- Advanced topics/technologies/development (Session leaders: TBD)
The workshop will bring together system managers, researchers, developers, computational scientists, students and industry affiliates for cross-training and to discuss recent HPC developments and future advancements. Please make sure to register early to ensure your seat at the workshop.
This is an excellent training and educational opportunity for European-based, HPC and data center IT professionals.
The conference is free. Registration is required. The 3-day workshop will include coffee breaks and lunch courtesy of the HPC Advisory Council.
The initial agenda is also available now – Click here to view the agenda.
Conference Location:
Lugano Convention Centre
Piazza Indipendenza 4
6900 Lugano, Switzerland