HPC Advisory Council Announces European HPC Workshop in Conjunction with ISC 2010
HPC Advisory Council Announces European HPC Workshop in Conjunction with the International Supercomputing Conference.
The HPC Advisory Council today announced that the HPC Advisory Council, in conjunction with ISC’10, will host the HPC Advisory Council European Workshop 2010 in the CCH-Congress Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany on May 30, 2010. The workshop will cover advanced topics such as GPU computing, MPI offloads, congestion management, networking optimizations and will feature presenters from Oakridge National Laboratory, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Simula Research Laboratory, the 451 Group, and HPC Advisory Council professionals as well as technologists from various Independent Software Vendors and OEMs. The workshop will bring together system managers, researchers, developers, computational scientists, students and industry affiliates to discuss recent HPC developments and future advancements.
Pricing for the one-day workshop is 30€. Registration for the workshop is required and is now open through the ISC’10 registration page. The one-day workshop will include coffee breaks, lunch, and dinner courtesy of the HPC Advisory Council.