Hank Childs talk “Hybrid Parallelism for Visualization and Analysis” at CSCS on September 10

We would like to invite you to attend a talk by Prof. Childs:

Hybrid Parallelism for Visualization and Analysis
September 10, 11am
 CSCS, Via Trevano 131, Lugano, Switzerland

Prof. Childs is a senior researcher in Visualization and Data Analysis, with many years of experience at NERSC, LLNL, LBL and University of Davis. He is the original developer of the highly famous VisIt visualization software, in use at many supercomputers centers around the world.

Many of today’s parallel visualization and analysis programs are designed for distributed-memory parallelism, but not for shared-memory parallelism. As architectural trends for supercomputers suggest an ever-increasing number of cores per node, we must evaluate the benefits of hybrid parallelism — parallelism that blends distributed- and shared-memory approaches — for these data-intensive workloads.  With this talk, Hank explores the fundamental challenges and opportunities for hybrid parallelism with visualization and analysis, and discusses recent results that measure its benefit.

Short Biography
Hank Childs is an assistant professor at the University of Oregon and a computer systems engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.  His research focuses on scientific visualization, high performance computing, and the intersection of the two.  He received the Department of Energy Career award in 2012 to research explorative visualization use cases on exascale machines.  Additionally, Hank is one of the founding members of the team that developed the VisIt visualization and analysis software.  He received his Ph.D. from UC Davis in 2006.