Flash Informatique EPFL: special issue on HPC

EPFL is dedicating this year’s last issue of its inhouse Flash Informatique to High Performance Computing.
In this special issue we will get a deep insight into some of the research using and
contributing to HPC going on at EPFL. In particular, several labs are working on energy efficiency of HPC hardware and infrastructure.
An overview of the computing facilities available to researchers is also given.
Here are direct links to the articles
- De FLOPS et de watts by Vittoria REZZONICO
- Lorsque les étoiles s’estompent, CADMOS brille plus fort by Vincent KELLER
- La loi de Moore: quand s’arrêtera-t-elle? by Christian PIGUET
- Mot croisé: MODELE by Françoise JAUNIN, Marco PICASSO, Esteban ROSALES
- Simulations go Live, a.k.a. in-situ visualization by Jean M. FAVRE
- An optimized finite-element library: Akantu, by Nicolas RICHART, Guillaume ANCIAUX, Jean-François MOLINARI
- Simulations de systèmes galactiques et extra-galactiques au LASTRO by Yves REVAZ
- Master CSE: un atout pour l’ingénieur du futur by Vincent KELLER, Simone DEPARIS
- Qu’est-ce qu’InfiniBand? by David CERVINI
- Unification de logins et système de files d’attente: l’expérience SuperB by Vittoria REZZONICO
- Une grille de calcul nationale by Pascal JERMINI
- Calculons au DIT! by Michela THIEMARD
- HPC@GreenIT: entre efficacités computationnelle et énergétique by Vincent KELLER, Ralf GRUBER
- On-chip cooling using micro-evaporators by Jackson Braz MARCINICHEN, Jonathan OLIVIER, John Richard THOME
- Thermal-Aware Design for 3D Multi-Processors by David ATIENZA
- HPC: l’énergivore by Aristide BOISSEAU
- GPU Technology Conference 2010 by Francis LAPIQUE
- Échos de la conférence SC10 by Jean-Claude BERNEY