Final call for Paper Submissions & Video Messages from SC23

Last call for paper submissions (by December 1)

The PASC24 Papers Program Committee is pleased to remind you of the upcoming deadline for paper submissions.

We welcome original research related to scientific computing in the following scientific domains:

  • Chemistry and Materials (incl. ceramics, metals, and polymers)
  • Climate, Weather, and Earth Sciences (incl. solid earth dynamics)
  • Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (incl. behavioral, economic, legal, political and business sciences, philosophy, languages, the arts, ethics in computing including climate impact of HPC, biases in machine learning, etc.)
  • Engineering (incl. CFD, computational mechanics, computational engineering and materials, turbulent flow)
  • Life Sciences (incl. biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, neuroscience, and computational biology)
  • Physics (incl. astrophysics, cosmology, plasma modelling, and quantum information sciences)
  • Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics

Papers that are selected for presentation at PASC24 will be published in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, accessible via the ACM Digital Library. A selection of the highest quality papers may be invited to give a plenary presentation.

Contributions (maximum 10 pages) should be submitted through the PASC Conference online submission portal.

Please check the Guidelines for Papers for further information.


  • 01 December 2023: Deadline for paper submissions (NO EXTENSIONS!)
  • 06 February 2024: Review notifications
  • 23 February 2024: Deadline for paper revisions
  • 08 April 2024: Acceptance notifications

The PASC24 Papers Program Committee looks forward to receiving your contribution!

Video messages from SC23

The PASC24 Organizing Team is pleased to share a couple of messages collected at SC23 in Dallas.

We invite you to meet ETH Professors Thomas Schulthess and Thorsten Hoefler, and ACM President Yannis Ioannidis as they discuss the origins of the PASC conference and its evolution since the inaugural conference in 2014. In less than 10 years, the PASC conference has gone from an effort to encourage PASC project principal investigators’ participation in CSCS User Meetings to a top-class ACM conference in Europe. A success that was not-at-all anticipated, according to CSCS Director Thomas Schulthess. What holds the PASC collaboration with ACM together? Yannis Ioannidis discusses the platform PASC provides for researchers to exchange ideas about how computational power can serve the sciences, and how this coincides perfectly with the ACM mission to advance the art, science, engineering, and application of computing by fostering the open exchange of information.

Check out the video interview here.

PASC24 Conference Chair Kate Evans (Director of the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory) talks about the theme of the next edition of the event, and warmly invites domain scientists and computational scientists from all disciplines and corners of the globe to join us in Zurich in June next year!

Here is why you should attend PASC24!