CSCS Webinar on “How to collect the performance data for proposal submission”
CSCS is happy to announce a webinar on
“How to collect the performance data at the time of proposals submission”
on Thursday 12 March 2015 at 10:00 AM.
The next deadline for submitting proposals (for allocations starting in October 1st 2015) is Friday May 8th, 2015 at 18:00 CET, so the time has come for researchers to start thinking about it.
As described on CSCS webpage, every proposal must include performance information of the used application(s). This interactive webinar aims to describe how to collect the mandatory performance data to be included in the production project proposal.
CrayPat is Cray’s recommended performance analysis tool for hybrid (CUDA, OpenACC, OpenCL) and non hybrid (OpenMP, MPI) high performance parallel computing codes, this webinar represents an opportunity to learn how to use CrayPat on the Piz Daint and how to submit a successful technical proposal. A Q&A session will close the discussion.