CSCS CHRONOS Call for high-impact, challenging and innovative research

Maria Grazia Giuffreda presented at the CSCS User Meeting 2013 in Lucerne the CHRONOS Call for Proposals.

CHRONOS is an annual call for proposals issued by CSCS for high-impact, challenging and innovative research opened to all fields of science. Researchers from academia and research institutes are eligible to apply. The CHRONOS proposals can be awarded for 1-, 2- or 3-years.  Who can apply

The CHRONOS program is open to all researchers and research organizations needing very large resource allocations regardless of funding sources.

You are eligible to apply for the CHRONOS call for proposals only if

  • you need and are certain to use more than 30 Mio core hours on the Cray XC30, “Piz Daint”
  • you have a scientific problem and a solution that justify the required resources

Projects that can already make use of the GPUs or projects with a clear development plan to use GPUs are strongly encouraged.