CRAY XT5 code porting workshop
Last July CSCS organized a Cray XT5 code porting workshop with representatives of Cray Inc. and of the University of Zurich.
Now the different presentation are available online on the multimedia portal of ETH Zurich.
- Introduction to XT5 (Software, Operating System, Compilers Vectorization), John Levesque, Cray Inc.
- Compilers, Luiz De Rose; Cray Inc.
- Introduction to XT5 (Software, Operating System, Compilers Vectorization), John Levesque; Cray Inc.
- Craypat, Cray Apprentice, Luiz De Rose; Cray Inc.
- Load Imbalance, Luiz De Rose; Cray Inc.
- Using Hardware Performance counters, Luiz De Rose; Cray Inc.
- Cray XT5 Programming Environment and The Module Tool on the Cray XT5, Roberto Ansaloni; Cray Inc.
- Instrument the application, John Levesque; Cray Inc.
- CP2K, Joost VandeVondele; University of Zurich
- Cray Apprentice2, Luiz De Rose; Cray Inc.
- Computation is Major BottleneckTLBCache UtilizationVectorization, John Levesque; Cray Inc.
We are sorry for the low quality of the videos. We will soon publish other workshops in a higher video quality.