CADMOS Workshop On Large Scale Computing, September 26-27 2012
On the occasion of its third anniversary, CADMOS (Center for Advanced Modeling Science) invites you to the
The workshop will be held on September 26-27, 2012 at the Polydome, EPFL.
Registration deadline : September 18, 2012.
September 26, 2012
14:00 Opening. A.Quarteroni (EPFL) & B. Chopard (UNIGE)
14:15 Keynote: T. Schulthess (CSCS, Lugano, Switzerland) tba
15:00 U. Röhtlisberger (EPFL) First-Principles Based Simulations of Biological Systems
15:25 Th. Lemmin (EPFL) Exploring the Bacterial Membrane and its Interactions with Antimircobial Agents
15:50 Coffee Break
16:20 Th. Vernay (EPFL) Global Gyrokinetic Electostatic Turbulence Simulations using Particles
16:45 H. Stockinger (SIB), Benchmarking Life Science Applications on the BlueGene/P
17:10 Keynote: B. Gropp (University of Illinois, Urbana, USA) The Next Generation of High Performance Computing
17:55 End
September 27, 2012
8:30 Keynote: R. Car (Princeton University, Princeton, USA) tba
9:15 N. Salamin (UNIL) Computational Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Modeling : an Integrated Approach to Study Species Evolution
9:40 L. M. Lawson Daku (UNIGE) Low-Spin and High-Spin Aqueous Solutation Structures of Iron (II) Complexes
10:05 W. Andreoni (EPFL) CADMOS Project ENERGY
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 J. Lätt (UNIGE) Discrete Particle Methods in Fluid Dynamics
11:25 G. Sclauzero (EPFL) Structural and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Graphene from First-Principles Calculations
11:50 S. Deparis (EPFL) HPC for Blood Flow Simulation : Advancements and Challenges
12:15 Lunch
14:00 Keynote: T. Warburton (Rice University, Huston, USA) Evaluating Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Many-core Architectures
14:45 H. Markram (EPFL) HPC as an Enabler for Simulation‐based Research in Neuroscience
15:10 Y. Podladchikov (UNIL) Resolving Time Scales of Geological Processes and Performance of Geodynamic Solvers on BG/P
15:35 J. P. Graves (EPFL) Investigations of Fast Ion Motion and their Influence on Plasma Stability though Massively Parallelized Numerical Simulations
16:00 E. Jahanbakhsh (EPFL) Developing Parallel SPH-FPM olver for Free Surface Flow Simulations
16:25 Coffee and Closing Remarks