PASC20 – Free Public Access to the PASC Conference Proceedings, and Partnership with ISC 2020

The Proceedings of the PASC Conference are now an OpenTOC

The PASC20 Organizing Team is pleased to announce that the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) has authorized the posting of an Open Table of Contents (OpenTOC) for the Proceedings of the PASC Conference. This means that it is now possible to download the definitive versions of PASC Conference papers from the ACM Digital Library at no charge to the author and without any pay-wall constraints for the reader.

The OpenTOC for the PASC Conference is hosted on the ACM’s SIGHPC website. Papers that were published at PASC19 can be accessed at the following URL:

We take this opportunity to remind you that following publication in the Proceedings of the PASC Conference, authors may wish to develop an extended version of their paper (and, where appropriate, associated open-source software) for publication in a relevant, computationally focused, domain-specific journal. To facilitate post-conference journal publications, the PASC Conference has collaborative partnerships with a number of high-quality scientific journals, including Computer Physics Communications (CPC), the Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), and ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (ACM TOMS).

The PASC Conference uses a rolling submission and review process, with submissions open throughout the year. The final deadline for PASC20 is December 15, 2019 (no extensions).

Further details on the submission and review process can be found at:

Event partnership: ISC High Performance 2020

ISC High Performance and the PASC Conference are pleased to announce that ISC 2020 and PASC20, two major events in the European HPC ecosystem, are scheduled back-to-back at the end of June and beginning of July 2020.

ISC High Performance is an international high performance computing conference that connects senior practitioners and technology providers in the field with commercial users, junior researchers, and students. Over 3,700 HPC enthusiasts and 160 exhibitors attend the conference and exhibition each year. The next conference program is chaired by Prof David Keyes of KAUST.

The ISC High Performance 2020 conference will be held in Frankfurt, Germany, from June 21 – 25, and the organizers are excited to offer researchers, scientists, engineers and PhD students the opportunity to participate in the Contributed Program, which is currently open for submission. ISC 2020 looks forward to your active participation!

Call for submissions: papers, minisymposia and posters

Submissions for papers, minisymposia and posters are now open.

Upcoming Submission Deadlines (no extensions)

  • Papers: Rolling, final deadline: 15 Dec 2019
  • Minisymposia: 6 Dec 2019 (expression of interest), 17 Jan 2020 (full submission)
  • Posters: 24 Jan 2020

Papers Program Chairs: Prof. Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware) and Prof. Ümit V. Çatalyürek (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Minisymposia and Posters Program

Chairs: Prof. Bastien Chopard (University of Geneva) and Prof. Sinéad Ryan (Trinity College Dublin)