6th ENES Workshop on HPC in Weather and Climate

ESiWACE is organizing the 6th ENES Workshop on High Performance Computing for Climate and Weather in Hamburg (Germany) on May 25th and 26th, 2020.

This workshop of the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES) will bring together experts on HPC in earth system modeling at the beautiful Elb-Panorama in Hamburg. Building on the previous ENES HPC workshops (Lecce, 2011 & 2018; Toulouse, 2013 & 2016; Hamburg, 2014), the talks will be structured in four sessions:

The workshop will run over two full days. The timing of the sessions will be decided based on the results of the call. It will be followed by the ESiWACE annual meeting at DKRZ, Hamburg.

If you would like to submit an abstract for a presentation or simply register to attend, please fill the registration form until December 31st 2019.