44th SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing, Lugano
44th SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing,
September 10/11, 2015, at the University of Lugano (USI)
The SPEEDUP workshop series has a long history in presenting and discussing the state-of-the-art in high-performance and parallel scientific computing. This includes algorithms, applications, and software aspects related to high-performance parallel computing. The focus of the 44th SPEEDUP workshop is on Fluid-Structure Interaction. The scientific program of September 10 consists of six 45-minutes talks and a poster session. Please encourage your collaborators to upload an abstract for the poster session. The deadline is Sept 4, 2015.
The invited speakers for the scientific program on September 10 include
- Simone Deparis (EPF Lausanne): “Fluid-structure interaction for vascular flows: from supercomputers to laptops”
- Dominik Obrist (University of Bern): “HPC framework for aortic valve simulation with hybrid discretization for fluid and soft tissue”
- Stefan Pirker (University of Linz): “Improving the performance of numerical simulation of granular systems – Model development, discretization and hardware aware implementation”
- Stephen Turnock (University of Southampton): TBA
- Felix Wolf (TU Darmstadt): “Exascaling Your Library: Will Your Implementation Meet Your Expectations?”
On September 11 we will organize at CSCS a tutorial on the new features of MPI 3 (nonblocking collectives, one-sided communication, etc) and their usage. It will be taught by Torsten Hoefler (ETH Zurich).
For details and registration visit www.speedup.ch
Organizing Committee: A. Adelmann (PSI Villigen), P. Arbenz (ETH Zurich), H. Burkhart (U of Basel), B. Chopard (U Geneva), S. Deparis (EPF Lausanne), J. Hesthaven (EPFL), A. Janka (EIA Fribourg), R. Krause (USI Lugano), H. Nordborg (HSR), D. Obrist (U Berne), V. Rezzonico (EPF Lausanne), O. Schenk (USI Lugano), J. VandeVondele (ETH Zurich).