39th SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing

39th SPEEDUP Workshop on High Performance Computing,
September 6/7, 2010, at ETH Zurich

The intention of this workshop is to present and discuss the state-of-the-art in high-performance and parallel scientific computing. Presentations will focus on algorithms, applications, and software issues related to high-performance parallel computing.  The focus of the workshop on Monday Sept 6 will be on software environments for large scale simulations and on the issues of fault tolerance in massively parallel systems.

The scientific program of Sept 6 consists of seven 45-minute talks and a poster session.  Please encourage your collaborators to uploaded an abstract.  The deadline is August 28, 2010.

On Sept 7 we will organize a tutorial on hybrid MPI/OpenMP computing. It will be taught by Timothy Stitt and Neil Stringfellow (both CSCS, Manno, Switzerland).

There is a small fee of CHF 50 payable at the workshop.  For students the workshop is free of charge.

Details and the registration form can be found at http://www.speedup.ch/.

The fee for the tutorial are CHF150 payable at the workshop or tutorial.  For students the price is CHF50.

Organizing Committee:Andreas Adelmann (PSI Villigen), Peter Arbenz (ETH Zurich), Olaf Schenk (University of Basel), Vittoria Rezzonico (EPF Lausanne), Ales Janka (University of Fribourg).

Scientific program

September 6, 2010: (7 talks of 45 minutes each + poster session)

Invited Speakers:

  • Omar Gattas (University of Texas, Austin)
    Petascale AMR, with Applications to Solid Earth Geophysics Problems
  • Matthew Knepley (Argonne National Laboratory):
    PETSc: the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation
  • Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories):
    Trilinos for Emerging Parallel Computing Systems
  • Rolf Krause (USI Lugano):
    UG (Unstructured Grids): Development of PDE Solvers for Biomechanics
  • Romain Teyssier (University of Zurich):
    Fault Tolerance Issues in Large Scale Applications
  • Christian Engelmann (Oak Ridge National Laboratory):
  • Beyond Application-Level Checkpoint/Restart – Advanced Software Approaches for Fault Resilience
  • Georg Hager (University of Erlangen-Nuernberg):
    Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Computing

September 7, 2010:  Tutorial

Tutorial on hybrid MPI/OpenMP computing.  It will be taught by Timothy Stitt and Neil Stringfellow (both CSCS, Manno, Switzerland).